Mnemonic: SetAMXMD

Hex Code:44000000000S0000   unconditional, indirect
44M00000000SXXYY   M=1-7, Compare register XX to register YY, indirect
440K0000000SHHLL   unconditional, indirect, K=1,4-7 Set then Link
54000000SSSS0000   unconditional, direct
54M00000SSSSXXYY   M=1-7, Compare register XX to register YY, direct
540K0000SSSSHHLL   unconditional, direct, K=1,4-7 Set then Link
Action:The SetAMXMD command sets the Karaoke audio mixing mode (SPRM 11).
The indirect form sets SPRM 11 to the value in the GPRM register indicated by "S" (lower nibble of byte 5).
The direct form sets SPRM 11 to "SSSS" (bytes 4&5).
If "K" is 1, 4, 5, 6, or 7 the Set is followed by a link command.
Order:If a compare is specified, it is performed first. If the condition is met the SetAMXMD is executed.
Comments:The command can be conditional or be combined with a link command, but not both.
See also SPRMs for information on SPRM 11 values.
Optional Link Command details
KLLLink CommandComment
100LinkNoLinkuse byte 6 as "HH" in these detailed pages, ignore all other values.
4--LinkPGCNuse bytes 6 and 7 as "NNNN" in this detailed page, ignore all other values.
5--LinkPTTNuse bytes 6 and 7 as "HTTT" in this detailed page, ignore all other values.
6--LinkPGNuse bytes 6 and 7 as "HHPP" in this detailed page, ignore all other values.
7--LinkCNuse bytes 6 and 7 as "HHNN" in this detailed page, ignore all other values.
Compare operation codes
register to registerAlternate
1RegX & RegYBCBitwise compare, the two operands are anded, if the result is non-zero the condition is true
2RegX == RegYEQIf the two operands are equal the condition is true
3RegX != RegYNEIf the two operands are not equal the condition is true
4RegX >= RegYGEIf RegX is greater than or equal to the right operand the condition is true
5RegX > RegYGTIf RegX is greater than the right operand the condition is true
6RegX <= RegYLEIf RegX is less than or equal to the right operand the condition is true
7RegX < RegYLTIf RegX is less than the right operand the condition is true
Register Codes
0x00 through 0x0FGeneral Purpose registers 0 to 15 (GPRM)
0x80 through 0x97System Parameter registers 0 to 23 (SPRM)
all othersdo not use
Numerically Alphabetically
Alphabetically Numerically
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