Mnemonic: JumpVTS_TT

Hex Code:3003000000TT0000   unconditional
30M3000000TTXXYY   M=1-7, Compare register XX to register YY
Action:The JumpVTS_TT command jumps to the entry PGC of title "TT" (byte 5) in the same title set (VTS).
Order:If a compare is specified, it is performed first. If the conditions are met the JumpVTS_TT is executed.
Comments:Restricted to the same titleset (VTS).
Compare operation codes
register to registerAlternate
1RegX & RegYBCBitwise compare, the two operands are anded, if the result is non-zero the condition is true
2RegX == RegYEQIf the two operands are equal the condition is true
3RegX != RegYNEIf the two operands are not equal the condition is true
4RegX >= RegYGEIf RegX is greater than or equal to the right operand the condition is true
5RegX > RegYGTIf RegX is greater than the right operand the condition is true
6RegX <= RegYLEIf RegX is less than or equal to the right operand the condition is true
7RegX < RegYLTIf RegX is less than the right operand the condition is true
Register Codes
0x00 through 0x0FGeneral Purpose registers 0 to 15 (GPRM)
0x80 through 0x97System Parameter registers 0 to 23 (SPRM)
all othersdo not use
Numerically Alphabetically
Alphabetically Numerically
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