Usage guide for Compositing with Carbon or MuxMan
Element types

The most basic and useful element is an image. This can be a still, or motion video. All can be resized, rotated, squeezed, stretched, cropped, zoomed, panned, flipped, faded, color processed, and masked. All the parameters controlling these operations can have values that change with time for motion compositing.
Carbon accepts the following file types:
BMP DIBpaletted:4-bit or 8-bit index into 24-bit colors, uncompressed or RLE compressed.
direct data:24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBA.
TGApaletted:8-bit index into 15, 16, 24, or 32-bit colors, uncompressed or RLE compressed. 32-bit may contain alpha channel.
monochrome:8 bit uncompressed or RLE compressed.
direct data:15, 16, 24, or 32-bit colors, uncompressed or RLE compressed. 32-bit may contain alpha channel.
paletted:not allowed as SGI format kept palettes in separate files.
monochrome:8 or 16 bit uncompressed or RLE compressed.
direct data:24, 32, 48, or 64-bit colors, uncompressed or RLE compressed. 32 and 64-bit may contain alpha channel.
m1v m2v mpv vob
 mpeg-2. restrictions
AVI restrictions
The compositor can generate circles, ellipses, chords, pies (wedges), squares, rectangles, polygons of 2 to 999 sides, arcs, and lines of any color. All except lines and arcs can be filled with a different color or transparent. Polygons with overlapping lines can uses multiple brushes for different colors in each of the enclosed regions. The straight lines of chords, pies, squares, rectangles, and polygons can be curved.
Text can be composed using any font in your system with any combination of bold, strikeout, underlined, or italic styles in any color.
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