  | Vintage Programmable Logic |   |
While technology has advanced tremendously with increasing complexity, many hobbyists, like myself, enjoy building devices that require
simpler logic. Many of the devices like the 22V10 are still available and useful for our projects |
Data Sheets
The following data sheets are available for download: |
22V10 24 pin variants
- 22V10 - one of the oldest 24 pin programmable logics. It has 10 macrocells and 12 input only pins
Each macrocell can be either combinatorial or registered. Each has a fixed number of product terms
- ATF750 - More advanced by adding 8 burried registers for a total of 18 registers.
- GAL6001 and GAL6002 - Improved on the ATF750 by having 10 buried registers and adding 20 registers,
10 for IO pins, and 10 for input only pins. Giving the device 40 registers total.
The IOC and INC registers are configured as a group.
The logic array is actually PEEL style.  
- PA7024 / PA7540 - By far the most powerful 24 pin programmable logic.
Breaking away from just 10 output pins, it has 20 LCC (macrocells) which feed 20 IOC.
The LCC contain a configurable register which may be buried. 2 signals from the LCC go to the IOC.
The IOC contains another register which may be used to capture pin data, not truly burried.
Software for defining the logic
Data Sheets
Lattice GAL26V12  
ICT PA7536 (low power version of PA7128)
26V12 28 pin variants
- 26V12 - A slightly larger version of the 22V10. It has 12 macrocells and 14 input only pins
Each macrocell can be either combinatorial or registered. Each has a fixed number of product terms
- PA7128 / PA7536 - A pin for pin PEEL version. 12 I/O, 14 input. 2 of the inputs can be global clocks.
Improves on the 26V12 by adding registers on the 12 input only pins and, like the PA7024, on the output pins.
Unlike the PA7024, the output pin registers can be separated from the pin and buried.
More to come |
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Manufacturer ID 13 Developer 22 |
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