| Muxman / Scenarist SST file ver 1.0 |  |
The following 5 lines can appear only once per script. The st_format line must appear first.
Subtitle is an optional name for the script.
Generator is an optional declaration used only by Muxman to correct for known errors in certain script generators.
TV_Type and Tape_Type may appear anywhere before the first bitmap file line.
Case is not important, upper and lower case may be used as you see fit.
st_format 2
Subtitle name
Generator SubRip1.17.1 int
Generator vsrip
The following statements can appear once per bitmap and remain in effect until a new statement changes the values.
Display_Start forced | non_forced
Pixel_Area (Py0 Py1)
Display_Area (Dx0 Dy0 Dx1 Dy1)
BG (RRR GGG BBB R-rule G-rule B-rule) RRR=red, 0-255
PA (RRR GGG BBB R-rule G-rule B-rule) GGG=green, 0-255
E1 (RRR GGG BBB R-rule G-rule B-rule) BBB=blue, 0-255
E2 (RRR GGG BBB R-rule G-rule B-rule)
Directory directory
Color (E2 E1 PA BG) palette color number 1-16
Contrast (E2 E1 PA BG) contrast value 0-15, 0=transparent, 15=opaque
n HH:MM:SS:FF HH:MM:SS:FF filename with stop code
n HH:MM:SS:FF - filename without stop code
SubPicture dimensions
SubPictures are overlaid after any video resizing. This is why as many as 3 versions of a sub may be necessary for 16:9 video, to
work properly with the 3 possible display modes. SubPictures are always rendered at 720x480 (720x576 PAL), regardless of the video
resolution. However the top 2 lines, and for PAL the bottom line, should not be used, making the maximum height 478 for NTSC and 573 for PAL.
Pixel_Area defines the top and bottom scan line of the bitmap that will be used. The difference between these values should be one less
than the displayed height.
Display_Area defines the rectangle on the 720x480 (720x576) screen where the bitmap will display.
0 <= Py0 < Py1 < bm_height (bitmap height)
0 <= Dx0 < Dx1 < 720
2 <= Dy0 < Dy1 < 480(NTSC) | 575(PAL) (not 576)
(Py1 - Py0) == (Dy1 - Dy0)
Conversion rule symbols
The conversion rule symbols are <, =, >, &, and X, separated by one or more spaces. These control the comparison of colors in the bitmap
to those given for a particular SPU color (BG, PA, E1, or E2). For <, the color in the bitmap must be less than the color given, for = an
exact match, and for > the color in the bitmap must be greater than the given color. & is a bitwise and of the color in the bitmap and the
color given, if the result is non-zero it is a match. However if the color given is 0 the & operator will match any value in the bitmap. X indicates don't
care, any value in the bitmap will match. For a color to be mapped all three rules must pass.
Colors that do not match the rules for any SPU color will be mapped to BG (making the BG color and rules redundant).