Muxman MXP files - VM Commands

ver 0.16
This reference contains information about unreleased features. Such features are shown in grey and should be considered provisional. The final implementation may change the information contained here.

This is just the syntax of the command source code, for details on the operation of the commands see vm commands (requires membership)


Command mnemonicWhere allowedoperands
CallSStitle only
RSM=int | Cell_name, menu
menu may be the PGC_name of any PGC in VMGM (title menu in any language unit or dummy PGC), or any of the following menu_type reserved words:
FP_DOM, TitleMenu, RootMenu, Sub-pictureMenu, AudioMenu, AngleMenu, PTT_Menu
SetSTNVTSM and title onlyany or all of the following, separated by commas
angle=int | angle=GPRMint
| subpicture=int:ON | subpicture=GPRMint
| audio=GPRMint
All stream values must come from the same type of operand, either a constant or a register.
Set commands
Mov, And, Or, Xor
anywhereGPRMint, source
may be GPRMint | SPRMint | int
Set commands
Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, Rnd
anywhereGPRMint, source
may be GPRMint | int
Set command
anywhereGPRMint, GPRMint
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