Muxman MXP files - VM Commands

ver 0.16
This reference contains information about unreleased features. Such features are shown in grey and should be considered provisional. The final implementation may change the information contained here.

This is just the syntax of the command source code, for details on the operation of the commands see vm commands (requires membership)

Compound Commands (cont.)

Type 2 commands combine a Set or System Set command with a Link command, and cannot be conditional.
{ SetSTN audio=1, subpicture=1:ON, angle=1 ; LinkPGCN VTS01_TTL01_PGC1 }
{ SetNVTMR NV_TMR=GPRM4, TT_PGCN=VTS01_TTL02_PGC1 ; LinkPGN VTS01_TTL02_pg1, button=10 }
{ SetGPRMMD RegisterMode GPRM3=GPRM4 ; LinkCN VTS01_TTL02_cell1, button=10 }
{ SetAMXMD ACH0(4:OFF,3:OFF,2:OFF), ACH1(4:ON,3:ON,2:ON) ; LinkPTT VTS01_TTL02_pg1, button=10 }
{ Mov GPRM1, GPRM5  ; LinkPGN VTS01_TTL02_pg1, button=10 }
Type 3 commands combine the If clause, Set, and Link Subset commands in the following orders:
{ Set ; If ; Link }     Ex: { Mov GPRM1, SPRM0 ; if ( GPRM1 == GPRM3 ) LinkTopC, button=1 }
If { Set ; Link }     Ex: if ( GPRM0 & GPRM0 ) { Mov GPRM7, 2 ; LinkTailPGC, button=1 } (a handy command for BOV!)
If ( Set ; } Link     Ex: if ( GPRM0 == GPRM1 ) { Mov GPRM0, GPRM1 ; }LinkNoLink, button=1

Set commands are Mov, Swp, Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, Rnd, And, Or, Xor
System Set commands are SetSTN, SetNVTMR, SetGPRMMD, SetAMXMD, and SetHL_BTNN
Link commands are LinkPGCN, LinkPGN, LinkCN, LinkPTT, and the Link Subset
Link Subset commands are LinkNoLink, LinkTopC, LinkNextC, LinkPrevC, LinkTopPG, LinkNextPG, LinkPrevPG, LinkTopPGC, LinkNextPGC, LinkPrevPGC, LinkGoUpPGC, LinkTailPGC, and RSM

Compound commands can be used only if each individual command could be used in the domain/command area.
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