Usage guide for Compositing with Carbon or MuxMan Transition Tab Controls
These controls were added to aid in making complete transitions from one (motion) image to another
From top to bottom:
Move / Filter - selects which one of many possible movements or filters active at the current time. At any point in time there may be only one Move active,
But there can be many filters attached.
Z order changes. An element's place in the Z order can be changed at the start or end of a transition.
The new place in the Z order can be either above or below any other element. Typically
this is used to ensure an incoming image is above the outgoing image for a transition.
Set Opacity value at start - this sets the opacity to the final value at the start of the transition resulting
in no change in opacity throughout the transition. Typically used to ensure the display
of the incoming element.
Change all values at end - all values remain at current value until the end of the transition.
Typically used to hide the static element at the end of a transition while retaining the
full duration of the transition.
Set Opacity to 0 (transparent) at end - used for hiding an element after a transition.
Typically the active element which has been reduced in size to nothing.