Usage guide for Compositing with Carbon or MuxMan
Transition Assistant build 71

The Transition Assistant is used to create transitions from one still or moving image to another. It can not be used with generated shapes (squares, circles, ellipses, text, lines, gradients, etc)

To begin select the outgoing image with either the mouse or the element select menu. This is the image that will be replaced by the new image, matching the width.
Using either the right click menu or the Element menu, click on "Start Transistion Assistant"
Now choose the incoming image from the dropdown list in the Assistant's control panel.
Choose what type of transition you want, they fall into 7 classes:

  • Cut - this instantly replaces the outgoing image with the incoming image.
  • Dissolve - this fades out the outgoing image for the duration of the transition.
  • Wipe - uses a moving mask as depicted by the Wipe Pattern buttons.
  • Squeeze - this compresses the incoming image on a forward transition or the outgoing image on a reverse transition as depicted by the Squeeze Pattern buttons.
  • Slide - the incoming image on a forward or the outgoing image on a reverse is slid in or out.
  • Diagonal Wipe - uses diagonal moving masks as depicted by the Diagonal Wipe Pattern buttons.
  • Iris/Clock - 13 Iris groups and 3 Clock groups of wipes, each with as many as 6 patterns per class

If you chose Cut you are done and can press Take to apply the cut, or Cancel to abort.
If you chose Dissolve set the duration of the transition and either Take or Cancel.
If you chose Wipe, Squeeze, or Slide you now choose the pattern and duration, then Take or Cancel.
If you chose Diagonal Wipe you now choose the pattern, edge softness, and duration, then Take or Cancel.
If you chose Iris/Clock you now choose the pattern group then the pattern, followed by edge softness and duration, then Take or Cancel.
Forward transitions introduce the incoming image with the depicted pattern and style (Wipe/Squeeze/Slide) while reverse transitions remove the outgoing image by the pattern and style - they literally are the reverse of the forward operation.

On the pattern buttons Blue represents the new image, Gold represents the old image. The colors rhyme with their meaning.

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